Title: Electronic archive of periodicals “Back2news”The project was launched in 2018 by Culture and innovation foundation FUTURA, Central Scientific Library of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, and Digital Country LTD with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.
Task:– promoting libraries/archives/museums/academic institutions funds and making them more widely used;- maintaining periodicals by limiting physical access to them. Solution:– creation of an electronic online portal – an electronic archive of periodicals;- digitization of newspapers, processing and recognition, creation of electronic resource;-uploading digitized publications to the electronic archive, providing online access. Result: 1. An electronic archive of Back2News periodicals has been deployed:- the main searching web-site for the Back2News Electronic Archive (http://back2news.org);- corporate Partner Site (http://karazin.back2news.org) – Central Scientific Library of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University The main search site: http://back2news.org provides:- integration of databases of corporate archives project partners;- the only interface for access to the distributed Electronic Archive of periodicals. Partners corporate sites provide:- storage of corporate electronic content of digitized publications;- interaction with the main search web-site: http://back2news.org;- access to corporate archive data. 2. Digitized, uploaded to the electronic archive and available for viewing 6331 issues of the newspaper “Yuzhnyi krai” (1880-1917) and “Illustrated Addition to the Newspaper” (1905-1915) from the funds of the Central Scientific Library of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 34 824 pages, of which 6199 issues, 33 938 pages were recognized. 3. Developed Partnership Regulations and Procedure for joining the project – Back2News Online periodicals Archive – a platform for integrating online periodical resources; – open online access to periodicals published in the territory of Ukraine from a single interface; – search of information on index signs and texts of historical documents of all libraries / archives / museums / scientific institutions that have joined the project.
Digitization of valuable archival documents from the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine funds.
The Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine and Digital Country Company implemented the project “Ukrainian Digital Avant-garde” to create a fund for the use of rare archival documents from the personal funds of outstanding Ukrainian avant-garde artists – Alexander Bogomazov, Vasyl Yermylov, Anatol Petrytsky. The documents are an integral part of the National Archival Fund of Ukraine and are most in demand among researchers, both our compatriots and foreigners working in the reading room of the Archive Museum.
Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine is a unique institution that combines the functions of the archive and museum and is the largest treasure trove of literary and artistic funds.
Valuable works of fine art (biographical documents, texts of scientific research, photographs, epistolary, catalogs of exhibitions, albums, artwork (sketches, sketches for paintings, sketches of theater costumes, scenery, decorative paintings, etc.) were digitalized.
Digitized copies of archival documents are already available to users in the reading room of the Archive-Museum of Literature and Art.
Innovative and modern approach to work with scientific information will help to literary and artistic institutions, creative unions, scientists, students, researchers, who use Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine for scientific, social and cultural purposes, to draw them for the preparation of collections, monographs, multivolume editions, doctoral and candidate dissertations, scripts of feature and documentary films, and etc.
The availability of high-quality digital copies will greatly facilitate access to them by users and will help preserve the originals.
Project Details:
1014 items of storage
Formats: from A4 to A0.
Non-standard dimensions and solid foundation (wood, cardboard, etc.).
All copies were made with the professional equipment for color scanning with high resolution.
Scanning work is carried out on the territory of the archive-museum without taking documents out of its territory.
“Digital Country” Company was determined by the winner of the tender based on the results of the open bidding procedure on the electronic site https://prozorro.gov.ua/
At the request of the Kyiv City State Administration, services were provided for the creation of the electronic archives and archiving of the documentation for the Department of Economics and Investments.
Pedagogical Museum of Ukraine and Digital Country Company created an electronic collection of the national education and psychology old editions .
The collection includes more than 100 editions of old-age period of XIX-XX centuries, that are included in the list of books that make up the national heritage of Ukraine.
Scanning books were done using professional equipment that provides the high quality scans and eliminates the negative effect on the original.
Scanned books included in the electronic collection that will be available at the Pedagogical Museum of Ukraine web-site (http://pmu.in.ua/) and directly in the museum.
“Karpylivka Chronicles” were written in 1895 by the local priest Feofilakt Koshpanevych – one of the few survivors Church Parish descriptions that were created on the initiative of Volyn Church and Archaeological Society in the late 19th century (links to detailed chronicles and initiatives: https://goo.gl/EfAJ9a)
As the Chronicle is quite old and written form old Russian language (before reforms), “Karpylivka Chronicles” is only briefly demonstrated by reading only selected passages to the children in the schools.
Although it has great value to rural communities because it contains descriptions of the life and traditions of their ancestors contemporaries.
Therefore, Yaroslav Schevych, сontinuing the initiative “Karpilovka line” (//karpylivka.rv.ua), with help of the history teacher T. M. Stepanets, local school director V. V. Galushko and N. Y. Martynyuk, was able to deliver the manuscript to the Digital Country Company for the digitization.
“Pleasantly surprised by the speed of work and its quality. 35 pages of the Chronicle were transferred to the digital format only in one hour! The value of the work was accessible and close to the cost of tickets to Kyiv. Now, thanks to the electronic format, the work on the manuscript will be faster. We plan to publish original manuscript online, translate it into Ukrainian and republish with support of the “Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers promotion and popularization of historical research Support Program in Rivne” for using during the school lessons and distribution in museums “- says Yaroslav.
Digital Country specialists made the project to digitize rare original maps which were created by surveyors of the Kiev province in XVIII-XIX centuries. Maps are in the collection of the State Archives of Kiev region.
Age of the documents is over 300 years, and sizes are from A3 to A0 formats. Given this, for each document was used its own scanning technology.
State Archives of Kiev region used digitization results of rare maps for the exhibition “Kyiv region on maps XVI-XIX century”, which was opened in the territory of the institution in January 2017 p.
The gem of the exhibition was “Postal card of Kiev province” of 1779, which is included in the State Register of Cultural Heritage. Its uniqueness is that it shows the post roads Kyiv, which are not found in any other registers and archives.
The Digital Country Company in cooperation with the Central Scientific Library of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University digitized a large collection of rare and valuable editions of the newspaper “Yuzhny Kray” (Southern region), which was published in Kharkov daily from December 1, 1880 to December 3, 1919.
The newspaper “Yuzhny Kray” makes a special value of the Fund of book monuments of the Central Scientific Library of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, which has the status of a national treasure. The newspaper was published since 1880 in Kharkov and is one of the most valuable sources for studying the history of culture and socio-economic development of Kharkov and Slobozhanshchina (Sloboda Ukraine). The publication is an invaluable information and documentary source for the study of the history of culture and socio-economic development of not only the Sloboda region of the XIX – early XX centuries, but also all of Ukraine.
The scanning of newspapers was done with using a professional large-format scanner, because the newspaper format was larger than A2. Given the age and condition of newspapers, wide-format scanning was performed with “gentle scanning” technology.
You can find digitized materials on the official site of the Central Scientific Library of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in the section eScriptorium. Archive of rare editions and manuscripts or by link: http://escriptorium.univer.kharkov.ua/handle/1237075002/3148
We are grateful to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the allocated funds for the work on the project.
Documents are an important part of the information resources of any company, institution and organization. Optimization of work with documents is an important component of the efficiency of the whole enterprise.
Digital country company implemented the project of digitization project documentation and the creation of its electronic version for Instalaciones Inabensa S.A. (Spain) (http://www.inabensa.com/).
Format documents — from A4 to A0 inclusive.
Scanning documents was conducted with using professional equipment and compliance with customer requirements for quality end result. Services was provided in the short term given the customer’s requirements.
State Archives of Kyiv Region together with “Digital Country” implemented a pilot project to digitize archives descriptions and creating IR system for rapid access and retrieval of information in the archival fonds of the institutions.
Information database is available to everyone on the official website of the State Archives of Kiev Region (www.dako.gov.ua) – the link “Сivil Registration Books Kiev Region 1919-1939. Database” or http://dako.folium.info/
IR system allows:
Pilot project will make information of the archive funds more open to provide remote access to all interested parties and will optimize the work of institutions, reduce the burden on the staff.
In the second phase project will digitize and provide open access to the fund №384 «Kyiv provincial census commission of the first general census 1897″.
From 1st of December 1, 2015 till 29th of February, 2016 “Digital Country” Company together with the Foundation of Culture and Innovation FUTURA supported National program of digitization of unique manuscripts and editions “Future Pages“, which was aimed towards the cooperation with the cultural institutions of Ukraine.
The program purpose was the cooperation with Ukrainian cultural institutions to obtain grants and get funds to digitize the unique editions which have cultural and historical value.
We invited to cooperation 300 institutions that deal with the preservation of historically and culturally significant documents and materials: libraries, museums, national cultural assets and archives.
During the period of the program, we have received 110 applications from 9 Ukrainian museums and libraries.
Together with the experts of the Committee of the archives protection and historians, we have established the order of priority of digitization – depending on the historical and cultural value and the level of damage caused by time.
The first grant from the Fund FUTURA is received by Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi Museum of Local History.
Series of the original manuscripts of the XIX century regarding the history of German and Swiss colonies of south of Bessarabia (18 documents total of 900 pages) will be transported to Kiev and digitized by our experts till the end of April.
Another 3 applications were received by grant department of “Digital Country”.
We hope that our experience in obtaining international grants will help in the near future to digitize materials that were filed by the following participants of the project:
Oles Honchar Kherson Regional Universal Scientific Library
Yaroslav Mudryi Scientific Library of the National Law University, Kharkiv
Oleh Olzhych Zhytomyr regional universal scientific library
Thanks to all of participants! We would like to highlight that the “Digital Country” Company is open to cooperation with cultural institutions and outside the project as well.
Let’s preserve our history together!