Purpose, architecture, technical requirements of the Folium
About system
- Increased security is implemented through isolated and separated user and administrator interfaces;
- Universal format for interaction with external sources of information (import, export);
- Hi-end encryption system to enhance the security of information storage;
- Autonomous system for data backup with the possibility of a remote placement or automatic mailing service;
- Multi-level storage system to improve scalability and system performance;
- Module that allows the access to the system for unregistered users with flexible admission rights;
- Built-in tools for creation of the corporate portal.
Purpose and functions
Computer program “Folium” is a universal software platform and is designed to build and operate automated systems for accounting, storage, retrieval, display, processing and exchange of information.
The “Folium” system can be used for:
- creation and management of electronic resources of institutions, enterprises, companies;
- automation of processes of work with documents (documentary materials);
- integration of information resources of the institution, enterprise, company, building on its basis information portals, archives, catalogs, libraries, reading rooms, depositories of documentary resources, etc.;
- automating the activities of the institution, increasing the level of intracorporate communications and information interaction of structural units / employees.
“Folium” is a flexible system that allows:
- adapt the system for use in organizations and institutions of various profiles;
- create and use ancillary resources;
- create / adjust the automation technology of the organization’s tasks based on local characteristics;
- create the necessary groups and individual users, provide flexible customization of rights to work in the system;
- process the information in the system, different in the subject and structure of the description (database records, text, images, video, document files, etc.);
- import information into text editors, print, send by e-mail.
“Folium” has a client-server architecture (installed on the server) and can run under OS of the Unix / Linux family, Windows.
“Folium” is designed to operate both under the management of free-distributed MySQL databases, and under commercial versions – Oracle DBMS in client-server architecture.
The work of the system built using the “Folium” is provided both from the local network and from the Internet (determined by the customer of the system).
The user works with “Folium” using a web browser installed on the work computer (no additional software is required).
The amount of required disk space on the server is determined based on the amount of electronic files that are stored on the server, as well as the need to provide system backup.
Technical requirements
For successful installation and proper operation, the server and client parts of the system must meet the requirements for the technical means necessary for its operation.
Technical means:
- Server system: Processor clock speed: minimum required – 1 GHz, recommended – 2 GHz;
- RAM: the minimum required – 2 GB, it is recommended – 4 GB;
- The amount of disk memory for the installation of the system is 100 MB;
- The amount of disk memory for data is the estimated value*.
Client PC:
- processor with a clock speed of at least 1.5 GHz;
- RAM not less than 512 MB;
- a video card with a video memory of at least 128 MB;
- hard disk drive, the amount of free disk space is not less than 10.0 GB;
- information output device (monitor) type;
- manipulator type (mouse);
- standard keyboard;
- compatible printer with operating system.
System software:
- server operating system: Unix / linux, Windows Server;
- client operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 and higher;
- Internet browser Google Chrome (at least version 35);
- Internet browser Mozilla Firefox (at least 26 versions);
- Internet browser Opera (not lower than version 12.16);
- DBMS and Mysql database 5.5.20;
- PHP 5.3 or higher;
- Apache HTTP Server 2.2.22;
- phpMyAdmin 3.4.9;
- program for working with texts Adobe Reader (version 8 or higher).
* the amount of necessary disk space on the server of the system is determined at the stage of its design based on the needs and the amount of electronic files that are planned to be stored on the server, as well as providing system backup.